Fendelman & Associates, L.L.C.
Attorneys at Law
Legal Resources
Links to various helpful legal resources

Divorce/Custody Resources
Dissolution Guide
A brochure developed by Fendelman & Associates L.L.C, outlining the legal process of going through a divorce. Click here to download document.
Child Support Forms
Useful forms for several child support actions, such as calculating child support payments, income withholding, lien requests and termination of child support.
St. Louis County Parent Education Program
The Family Court of St. Louis County requires that all parents who are seeking a divorce, legal separation, modification to a prior divorce order or paternity order, and who have in common at least one child under the age of 19 years, must attend a Parent Education Class sponsored through the court.
Kids in the Middle
Kids In The Middle® (KITM) is a non-profit organization that helps children, parents and families thrive during and after divorce through counseling, education and support. http://www.kidsinthemiddle.org/

Missouri & St. Louis Courts
St. Louis County Circuit Court
City of St. Louis Circuit Court
Missouri CaseNet
Case.net is your access to the Missouri State Courts automated case management system. From here, you are able to inquire about case records including docket entries, parties, judgments and charges in public court. Only courts that have implemented the case management software as part of the Missouri Court Automation Program and only cases that have been deemed public under the Missouri Revised Statutes can be accessed through Case.net. https://www.courts.mo.gov/casenet/base/welcome.do

Missouri Department of Social Services
Does your Child have a Legal Father?
Paternity information for mothers and fathers.
Child Support Enforcement Payment Information
Payment Information includes the last 13 months of payments and disbursements. https://dssapp.dss.mo.gov/payments/wbmdi3ordersbycaselistsvr.asp